Olga V. Kovaleva
Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art)
Mariya V. Bondarenko
Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art)
Anna A. Lanina
Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art)
Kovaleva O. V., Bondarenko M. V., Lanina A. A. Creation of volume-spatial ornament for a costume. Technologies & Quality. 2023. No 4(62). P. 43–48. (In Russ.) https: doi 10.34216/2587-6147-2023-4-62-43-48.
DOI: 10.34216/2587-6147-2023-4-62-43-48
УДК: 677.075:7.067
Publish date: 2023-11-22
Annotation: This article discusses a new approach to costume design through the creation of a volume-spatial ornament that can influence the shaping of the costume. Scanning and three-dimensional modelling methods in various computer programs have been studied. An algorithm for creating a volume-spatial ornament is described – scanning objects necessary for work, developing a vector ornament based on a creative source, surface modelling, printing elements. The advantages of surface modelling are the reliable construction of an object of any complexity, as well as the ability to control the location of adjacent parts. The described algorithm for creating a volume-spatial ornament can be considered to be a type of individual approach to the development of modern canvases for a costume.
Keywords: ornament, 3D printing, digital scanning of figure, 3D modelling, costume shaping, source of creative inspiration, surface modelling
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Author's info: Olga V. Kovaleva, Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art), Moscow, kovaleva-ov@rguk.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1160-5780
Co-author's info: Mariya V. Bondarenko, Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art), Moscow, bondarenko-mv@rguk.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4459-1653
Co-author's info: Anna A. Lanina, Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art), Moscow, sokolovskaya-aa@rguk.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0002-1396-6464