Tatiana V. Lebedeva
Kostroma State University
Maria E. Muzykantova
Kostroma State University
Sergey I. Galanin
Kostroma State University
Lebedeva T. V., Muzykantova M. E., Galanin S. I. Research of the assortment of jewellery and art products with cold enamel. Technologies & Quality. 2023. No 3(61). P. 51–56. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2023-3-61-51-56.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2023-3-61-51-56
УДК: 666.29:739.2
Publish date: 2023-09-08
Annotation: The study of the assortment of jewellery and art products with cold enamel produced by leading jewellery enterprises of Kostroma Region. The study showed that a wide range of products of various cate- gories are covered with cold enamel, mainly from 925 sterling silver – personal adornment, costume elements, souvenir and tableware products. Moreover, the number of jewellery with cold enamel makes up a significant proportion of the total number of manufactured products. A comparative analysis of the assortment in 2019 and 2023 showed a significant increase in the products produced in almost all assortment groups at most enterprises, which indicates the relevance of cold enamelling technology in modern jewellery production.
Keywords: cold enamels, assortment, jewellery & art products, jewellery adornment, jewellery alloys, jewelery enterprises, Kostroma Region
Literature list: 1. SOKOLOV : official website. URL: http://www.sokolov.ru (accessed 21.02.2023). 2. KOUZ : official website. URL: http://www.kouz.ru (accessed 26.02.2023). 3. KABAROVSKY : official website. URL: http://www.kabarovsky.ru (accessed 23.02.2023). 4. EFREMOV : official website. URL: http://www.efremov.gold (accessed 22.02.2023). 5. Ku&Ku : official website. URL: http://www.ku-uk.com (accessed 24.02.2023). 6. KARATOV : official website. URL: http://www.karatov.com (accessed 25.02.2023). 7. PANDORA : official website. URL: http://www.pandora.net (accessed 27.02.2023). 8. Galanin S. I., Lebedeva T. V. Protective and decorative coverings in jewelry production: textbook. Kostroma, Kostroma St. Technol. Univ. Publ., 2014. 138 p. (In Russ.) 9. Muzykantova M. E., Lebedeva T. V., Galanin S. I. Formation of coatings with cold epoxy enamel. Dizayn. Teoriya i praktika [Design. Theory and practice]. 2016;25:15–24. (In Russ.) 10. Muzykantova M. E., Lebedeva T. V., Galanin S. I. Production of photosensitive cold enamels based on epoxy resins. Dizayn. Teoriya i praktika [Design. Theory and practice]. 2016;25:25–36. (In Russ.) 11. Lebedeva T. V., Muzykantova M. E., Galanin S. I. Cold epoxy enamels as a design solution to the sur face of jewelry. Trudy Akademii tekhnicheskoy estetiki i dizayna [Works of the Academy of Technical Aesthetics and Design]. 2017;1:5–11. (In Russ.) 12. Galanin S. I., Kolupaev K. N. Features of the creation of modern jewelry and art products. Kostroma, Kostroma St. Univ. Publ., 2023. 173 p. (In Russ.)
Author's info: Tatiana V. Lebedeva, Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia, letavi44@mail.ru; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7744-4193
Co-author's info: Maria E. Muzykantova, Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia, mmuzykantova@yahoo.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8041-0274
Co-author's info: Sergey I. Galanin, Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia, sgalanin@mail.ru; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5425-348X