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Alla Yu. Sharova
Ivanovo State Politechnical University
Aleksey Yu. Matrokhin
Ivanovo State Politechnical University
Sharova A. Yu., Matrokhin A. Yu. Experience in developing of the university information system. Technologies & Quality. 2022. No 4(58). P. 25–31. (In Russ.)
УДК: 004.4'22
Publish date: 2022-11-23
Annotation: The process of development and functionality of the university information system “Digital Profile & Electronic Portfolio Management System for Employees, Teachers and Students (E-TUTOR)” – the programme designed for organisational, administrative, technical and informational support of the educational organisation activities when implementing basic professional educational programmes in accordance with the federal state educational standards of higher education – is described in the article. The choice of design methodology and approaches to the selection of the development team is presented with the description of the development tool as well as the system functionality; the ways of the system development are outlined.
Keywords: higher education, informatisation, information system, E-TUTOR, web application development, web application design, system architecture
Literature list: 1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No 816 dated August 23, 2017 “On Approval of the Procedure for the Use of e-learning, distance learning technologies by organizations Engaged in educational activities in the implementation of educational programs”. URL: (Assecced 30.05.2022). 2. Order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science dated 29.05.2014 No 785 “On approval of the requirements for the structure of the official website of an educational organization in the information and telecommunications network Internet and the format of presentation of information on it”. URL: (Assecced 30.05.2022). 3. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 07.10.2021 No MN-19/697 “On the direction of methodological recommendations for the development of a strategy for digital transformation of educational institutions of higher education subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation”. URL: (Assecced 30.05.2022). 4. Kosinov Yu. A., Sharova A. Yu. Information environment of the university: experience of creation, infrastructure and services. Informatizaciya obrazovaniya i nauki [Informatization of education and science] 2015;1(25):3–9. (In Russ.) 5. Orlova N. A., Sharova A. Yu. Development of requirements for the electronic information and educational environment of IVSPU*. Molodye uchenye – razvitiyu Nacional'noj tekhnologicheskoj iniciativy (POISK-2019) [Young scientists – development of the National Technological Initiative (SEARCH-2019)]. Ivanovo, Ivanovo St. Politech. Univ. Publ., 2019;2:43–45 (In Russ.) 6. Manifesto for Agile Software Development. URL: (Assecced 30.05.2022). 7. Kochnev Ya. A., Sharova A. Yu. Development of a user profile for the mobile application of the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University* Molodye uchenye – razvitiyu Nacional'noj tekhnologicheskoj iniciativy (POISK-2021) [Young scientists – development of the National Technological Initiative (SEARCH-2021)]. Ivanovo, Ivanovo St. Politech. Univ. Publ., 2021;1:665–668. (In Russ.) 8. Evgrafov A. I., Sharova A. Yu. UX-mobile application design of Ivanovo State Polytechnic University* Molodye uchenye – razvitiyu Nacional'noj tekhnologicheskoj iniciativy (POISK-2021) [Young scientists – development of the National Technological Initiative (SEARCH-2021)]. Ivanovo, Ivanovo St. Politech. Univ. Publ., 2021;1:648–651. (In Russ.) 9. Sharova A. Yu., Matrokhin A. Yu., Bazhenov S. M., Rumyancev E. V., Nikiforova E. N., Gyanis A. S. Digital profile management system and electronic portfolios of employees, teachers and students (E-TUTOR)*. Certificate of registration of a computer program 2021681187, 20.12.2021. Application № 2021668095 12.11.2021. (In Russ.)
Author's info: Alla Yu. Sharova, Ivanovo State Politechnical University, Ivanovo, Russia,,
Co-author's info: Aleksey Yu. Matrokhin, Ivanovo State Politechnical University, Ivanovo, Russia,,