Dmitriy V. Sorokin
Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of SFS of EMERCOM of Russia
Alexandr L. Nikiforov
Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of SFS of EMERCOM of Russia
Investigation of the influence of operational factors on the heat-protective characteristics of a package of materials for firefighter combat clothing
Sorokin D. V., Nikiforov A. L. Investigation of the influence of operational factors on the heat-protective characteristics of a package of materials for firefighter combat clothing. Technologies & Quality. 2021. No 4(54). P. 16–21. (In Russ.) https: doi 10.34216/2587-6147-2021-4-54-16-21.
DOI: 10.34216/2587-6147-2021-4-54-16-21
УДК: 677.017
Publish date: 2021-11-18
Annotation: The article is devoted to the assessment of the impact of operational factors on the heat-protective performance of a package of materials of firefighter's combat clothing. The paper considers the influence of high humidity, compression of a package of materials, the presence of reflective elements in a package of clothing materials. The operational factors of influence on the heat-protective indicators of the package of materials of the firefighter's combat clothing, which reduce the protective action time by more than 3 times, are determined. The paper notes that it is the humidity and compression of the package of materials that change the nature of heating, which is due to an increase in the thermal conductivity of the layers when these factors affect the porous material.
Keywords: firefighter's combat clothing, special protective clothing, heat protection indicators, heat exchange, operational factors, package of materials, heat flow
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Author's info: Dmitriy V. Sorokin, Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of SFS of EMERCOM of Russia, Ivanovo, Russia, element_37@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7613-3315
Co-author's info: Alexandr L. Nikiforov, Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of SFS of EMERCOM of Russia, Ivanovo, Russia, anikiforoff@list.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7356-9300