Lebedeva Tat’yana V.
Kostroma State University
Galanin Sergey I.
Kostroma State University
Lebedeva T. V., Galanin S. I. Decorating finift inserts with enamel grain. Tekhnologii i kachestvo = Technologies & Quality. 2021;2(52):62–67. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/ 10.34216/2587-6147-2021-2-52-62-67.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2021-2-52-62-67
УДК: 666.29; 745
Publish date: 2021-05-27
Annotation: The results of an experimental study of the combined enamelling technique are presented – enamel with enamel granulation. Original enamel inserts, decorated with enamel granules of various colours and sizes, were obtained, the use of which expands the possibilities of decorative enamelling. It is shown that different degrees of fusion of the enamel grain on the prepared base gives different artistic effects. Spherical grains, qualitatively adhered to the enamel ground, give a more explicit, spectacular relief; focus on specific elements of the pictorial composition. Melted hemispherical grains give a light texture to the composition, support and complement the enamel painting. Recommendations are given on the formation of granulation, preparation of enamel soil, drawing of details, firing temperatures of enamels to obtain high-quality granulation and colourful artistic composition, as well as other technological and design aspects of the decorating process.
Keywords: artistic hot enamelling; enamel miniature; enamel granulation; decorative effects; painting on enamel; firing enamels, jewellery
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Author's info: Lebedeva Tat’yana V., Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia E-mail: letavi44@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7744-4193
Co-author's info: Galanin Sergey I.,Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia E-mail: sgalanin@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5425-348X