Sorokin Dmitriy V.
Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of SFS of EMERCOM of Russia
Nikiforov Alexandr L.
Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of SFS of EMERCOM of Russia
Sorokin D. V., Nikiforov A. L. Mathematical modeling of non-stationary heat transfer in a multilayer composite material // Tekhnologii i kachestvo = Technologies & Quality. 2021;1(51): 9–14. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2021-1-51-9-14.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2021-1-51-9-14
УДК: 677.03:614.842.86
Publish date: 2021-03-11
Annotation: The article considers the issue of designing a composite textile material based on the use of a 3D textile matrix for firefighter combat clothing with improved performance characteristics. To reduce labour and material costs for design and create an alternative to the experimental selection of the structure and composition of the material, a mathematical model of non-stationary heat transfer in the “environment – composite material – human” system is proposed. The problem of temperature distribution at any time for the outer and inner layers is presented in the form of heat transfer in a multilayer plate. The problem of temperature distribution in the heat-insulating layer of the material is presented in the form of heat transfer through a limited rod in the air. The developed mathematical model allows calculating the distribution of temperature fields in the layers of the material at different values of the effective heat flow and determine the limit parameters of its thermal protection effect.
Keywords: composite textile material, modelling, heat transfer, mathematical model, firefighter's combat clothing, special protective clothing, thermophysical indicators.
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Author's info: Sorokin Dmitriy V., Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of SFS of EMERCOM of Russia, Ivanovo, Russia. E-mail: element_37@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7613-3315
Co-author's info: Nikiforov Alexandr L., Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of SFS of EMERCOM of Russia, Ivanovo, Russia E-mail: anikiforoff@list.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7356-9300