Maksimova-Anohina Ye. N.
Kostroma State University
Maksimova-Anohina Ye. N. The need to copy the artwork of eminent painters when training jewellery designers // Tekhnologii i kachestvo = Technologies & Quality. 2020;4(50): 19–26. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2020-4-50-19-26.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2020-4-50-19-26
УДК: 7.04, 745
Publish date: 2020-12-23
Annotation: This article discusses the techniques of copying in art, types of copies and copyright repetitions from works of art. Recommendations are given for independent work on a copy. The techniques of making copies from reproductions of works of famous artists with various art materials and various copying options, as well as copying jewellery sketches and jewellery are considered. The tasks and problems of copying, considered in the article, are useful for studying educational material on the subject “Painting” and “Colour composition in jewelry and art products and products of decorative and applied art” for students in the Russian direction of preparation: 54.03.02 “Decorative and applied art and folk crafts” and 03.54.03 “The art of costume and textiles”.
Keywords: pictorial copy, educational copying, doublet, replica, author's search, colouristic task, copying technique.
Literature list: Uroki klassicheskoj zhivopisi, Tekhniki i priemy iz hudozhestvennoj masterskoj / Dzhul'etta Aristid ; per. s angl. E. Petrovoj. – M. : Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2007. – 246 s. Andreeva A. V. Osnovy kopijnogo masterstva kak formy obucheniya monumental'noj kanonicheskoj religioznoj zhivopisi // Molodoj uchenyj. – 2012. – № 8. – S. 393–397. Gerchuk Yu. Ya. Yazyk i smysl izobrazitel'nogo iskusstva : ucheb. posobie. – M. : Mosobluprpoligraf- izdata, 1994. – 175 s. Prokof'ev N. I. Zhivopis', tekhniki zhivopisi i tekhnologiya zhivopisnyh materialov : ucheb. posobie dlya studentov vuzov, obuchayushchihsya po special'nosti «Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo». – M. : VLADOS, 2010. – 158 s. Risunok dlya yuvelirov [Dibujo para joyeros, 2003] / Mariya Zhoze Forkadel Berenger ; per. s isp. Yu. V. Sevost'yanovoj. – M. : Art-Rodnik, 2005. – 192 s. – (Risunok dlya professionalov).
Author's info: Maksimova-Anohina Ye. N., Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia E-mail: maksimova-anohina@yandex.ru