Vinogradova D. A.
Tensor LLC
Krasavina M. S.
Kostroma State University
Vinogradova D. A., Krasavina M. S. Prototyping of the information system of automatic monitoring of students' motivation // Tekhnologii i kachestvo = Technologies & Quality. 2020;3(49): 25–29. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2020-3-49-25-29.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2020-3-49-25-29
УДК: 378.14:004.02
Publish date: 2020-12-23
Annotation: The article provides solutions on the basis of which the motivation and mood of employees can be monitored using IT and topicality of developing a similar information system for motivating students is substantiated. Based on the tasks of the subject area, the requirements for the developed information system are formulated. To determine the motivation associated with the psychological model, Vladimir Yudin’s model used in the pedagogic process was chosen as the base one. The system should calculate the indicators of the student's qualities and, on the basis of the transition rules, determine the likelihood of belonging to the psychological type, and also give recommendations on the formation of motivation. Monitoring student motivation will help determine the list of activities in the university that contribute to the development of competences for each type of student. The article presents the developed user interfaces of the system to demonstrate its capabilities.
Keywords: typology, motivation, automated monitoring, userinterface, prototyping, design, IT system.
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Author's info: Vinogradova D. A., Tensor LLC
Co-author's info: Krasavina M. S., Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia E-mail: m_krasavina@ksu.edu.ru