galanin-si-lijuan-q-tik-2020-2.pdf |
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- Galanin S. I., Qin Lijuan. The historical stages of the jade culture of China. “Imperial nephrite” era // Tekhnologii i kachestvo = Technologies & Quality. 2020;2(48): 20–25. (In Russ.)
- DOI:
- УДК: 671.1; 678,8; 745.03
- Publish date: 2020-10-30
- Annotation: The article deals with the beginnings and formation of the era of “Imperial Jade”. The example of archaeological artefacts shows the importance of jade cult and ceremonial products in the formation and support of a strict class society. It is shown that in the “Age of Imperial Jade”, articles made of a mineral to which only mystical meaning had previously been attached become a symbol of etiquette and an important element reflecting class distinctions between people. The increased skill of processing and carving on the surface of jade products due to the development of economy and improvement of craft technologies is considered. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of Chinese society and the Confucian doctrine chanting jade, it is shown that the era of “Imperial Jade” is a process of development of Chinese jade culture from ritual to symbolic products.
- Keywords: “Imperial Jade” epoch, Chinese nephrite culture; technology of nephrite processing, dynasty, social estate.
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